Our controllers are mapped and tested with X assigned to the left paddle and O assigned to the right paddle.

This is the most common FPS setup allowing you to jump or crouch while maintaining full control of the thumbsticks.

However, if you want to change it up, check out our short simple video on how to remap our PS5 Pro Controller. Or follow the instructions below.

No special hardware or software required. Controller only needs to be on and not plugged in to remap.

Steps are the same for both Duo and Quad Paddles.

Note: L3 R3 can only be remapped if you have selected the option during build.

Existing maps are still persistent when entering map mode. Do not need to map each paddle every time.

Note: To unmap a paddle or button, simply map the same button that is already set to. This will delete the mapping so next time it is pressed, it will not do anything.



This only applies to controllers with button remap chip installed. To remap, follow instructions below:

1. Hold D-pad Down, X, and Square together.

2. Red LED behind microphone mute button will flash once (on and off) indicating in remap mode.

3. Hold the back button you want to remap and then press button on the controller you want to assign to.

4. Microphone mute button will flash to indicate mapped.

5. Once finished, press D-pad Up to exit mapping mode. Red LED behind microphone mute button will flash once indicating exit mapping mode.

Note: If back button is pressed without pressing a button you want, it will be unmapped and do nothing when pressed.



While controller is on, profile LED is on (solid)

1. Hold remap button in rear middle. Remap LED will flash.

2. Press and hold rear button and button you want to map to until LED flashes red.

3. Once mapping is done hold remap button in rear middle. Remap LED will turn solid again. Remapping is done.

Note: To change profile, double press the remap button. LED will change colour. Each colour indicates a different profile. 

LED off means the rear buttons are disabled.



While controller is on:

1. Hold Remap button until red LED turns on. 

2. Hold the button and the paddle you want to map together until the red LED flashes. Remapping is done.

3. Hold Remap button until red LED turns off. 

4. Mapping is complete. Test to ensure paddle responds as mapped.



While controller is on:

1. Flick remap switch. Blue LED turns on.

2. Hold the button and the rear button you want to map together until the red LED flashes. Remapping is done.

3. Flick remap switch. Blue LED turns off.

4. Mapping is complete. Test to ensure buttons responds as mapped.
