We are so confident in our controller mods that we are now offering all controller mods to be covered by a Lifetime Warranty.

Our no questions asked warranty policy is for 1 year, this means no matter what the issue, whether it be mods not working as intended or other controller issues - everything is covered so long as the controller is less than 1 year old.

Stick drift is covered however only within 6 months. After this, we do have options to repair drift at an affordable cost. Hall Effect Thumbstick modules are covered by our Lifetime Warranty.

Simply reach out to us in the event of any issue with the controller.


Terms and conditions of our Lifetime Warranty are:

1. Lifetime warranty only covers modded aspects of the controller. I.e. Faulty headphone audio jacks, controller batteries and USB connectors are not covered. These areas of the controller are only covered for controllers less than 1 year old.

2. For controllers older than 1 year, you will need to cover shipping costs of posting back and forth of the controller. CARBXN Controllers will cover all the repair and labour costs unless warranty is voided for any reason. Please see below table of who is responsible shipping costs to be clear.

 Fault period Shipping cost to CARBXN (Us) Shipping cost to customer (You)
On arrival (Rare) CARBXN CARBXN
Within 1 year You CARBXN
After 1 year (Lifetime Warranty) You You


3. Cosmetic wear and tear such as fading or scratches can be expected and does not fall under warranty. However shell breakages in proper care are covered.

4. Warranty is voided if it is determined that negligence or improper care of the controller has caused the issue. I.e. Water damage

5. Send in controllers are covered for the parts that were modified.


Further to this, if a controller is sent in and any further improvements have been made internally since your order will be done free of charge.
